What is aesthetic genital surgery?

GENITAL AESTHETIC: What are Genital Aesthetic Methods,Genital Aesthetic cost

Vaginoplasty (also known as posterior colporrhaphy) is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina. Sexual exploration for women is challenging in conservative and religious societies. Although education levels are rising, conservative ideas take longer to change. As women develop their sexual identity, many questions arise about the structure and function of their genitalia. During examinations, it's often observed that many women hold misconceptions about their labia and the tightness of their vagina. It can be said that women sometimes judge themselves unnecessarily harshly on these matters.
That being said, some vaginas can be wider than they should be. This widening can affect both the man and woman’s sexual stimulation during intercourse, in addition to causing urinary problems. In such cases, surgery is recommended.
So, what can be done surgically? The vagina is a tubular structure made of muscles. Sometimes, due to genetic factors or childbirth (even with cesarean delivery), these tissues can become stretched and widened. In these cases, vaginoplasty can be performed to tighten these tissues on both planes. Since the G-spot is located on the front plane, I choose not to operate in that area unless there are urinary issues. This operation can be done on its own or as part of a vaginal rejuvenation procedure. The most common reason for this surgery is related to climax difficulties. If you are experiencing this problem, I recommend reading my article focused on climax issues in women here: Treatment for Female Climax Problems.


Labiaplasty is plastic surgery’s most unstandardized approach. Because:
Unlike a nose, genitalia doesn’t have much exposure and doesn’t get much discussion regarding its aesthetic aspects. A genital aesthetic culture hasn’t been developed because of this. Breast aesthetics are much more lucky in this regard.

Labia Majora Operations

Fat and ligaments are dominant inside the labia majora’s structure. Because of this, most deformities occur due to weight gain/loss and hormonal effects of pregnancy. If a patient is overweight, both vulva and labia majora can get an embonpoint. This can be fixed with fat removal. But it should be noted that, if there is a risk of sagging after fat removal, an incision should be made to remove excess skin during the operation. Atrophies are the most common type of labia major problem. This is caused by volume loss and creates a hollow and saggy look on the labia majora. In this case, it should be first determined if there is any excess skin. If there is, excess skin is removed with fat injections, if there isn’t only fat injections will be enough. This way we can prevent old and wrinkled looks.

Labia Minora Operations

Labia minora is a flat structure that has a modified thin epithelium on its surface. Its size and color change not because of weight but by hormonal changes. Women have two hormonal revolutions. One is puberty, and the other is pregnancy. During menopause, it decreases. This can be called a third stage.
Before puberty, labia minoras are usually hidden behind labia majoras. With hormonal changes during puberty, their length increases and their color darkens especially on the outer parts. While some patients apply for operations due to the size, sagginess, and color of their labia minora, these are usually normal anatomical states. There are truly no measurements for the size, shape, or color of labia minora that are standard. Labiaplasty surgeries are easy and have a high rate of successful results, but the important part is to choose a patient who needs it. For more information and examination, please book an appointment.